Elaborate- Make your own DIY Sextant
Make your own Sextant
Now, the only reason we might need a sextant in real life is to measure angles out there in the real world. It is plain and simple to measure angles on a piece of paper, which is 2-Dimensional.
But, in order to measure angles in space, which is clearly 3-Dimensional, you would need a sextant to do so.
Below are the steps needed to make a DIY Sextant:
- Tape a drinking straw to the bottom edge of a protractor.
- Tie one end of a string to the center of the protractor. On the other end of the string, tie a steel washer or other mass.
- Locate the North Star through the straw.
- Look up the latitude on a map or online and see where you may be.
Materials required:
- A protractor
- A strong thread
- A ruler (30cm)
- A straw
- Some tape (cello-tape/ insulation tape, etc.)
- Some mass to tie up (erasers, steel balls, etc.)